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“Incidi la tua lettera”

Zoldo - Falcade - Alleghe 8. August 2024

Ort: Studio artistico "La Stua", Alleghe

Zoldo - Falcade - Alleghe

Drypoint Engraving Workshop "Engrave your letter

The workshop consists in introducing participants to Graphic Art by making an engraving using the Drypoint technique on a 12.5x18 cm Plexiglas matrix, which will then be printed by hand using a star press. Participants: the workshop is open to all, even to non-experts. Minimum age from six years onwards.

Theme: each participant will engrave their own initial using the drypoint technique and then add any detail they wish. Activity: all participants will be supervised by myself.

There will be a brief introduction to graphic techniques and then they will try their hand at drypoint engraving and the related manual printing with a star press. At the end of the workshop, each participant will be given the relevant print on hand-made paper inside a folder with a description of the workshop performed.

Duration: approx. two hours with a maximum of 10 participants per shift.

Registration: by e-mail or by calling 349 5233421

Presentation evening Friday 2 August - time to be agreed Agreed dates: Thursday 08 and Friday 09 August - workshop times 10-12 and 17-19 Thursday 12 and Friday 13 August - workshop times 10-12 and 17-19 Translated with (free version)

 Costs: Adult workshop.......................................... € 30,00 (vat 22% included) Children's

workshop (years 6-17) ............................................. € 20,00 (vat 22% included)

Family workshop (1 adult and 2 children) ..................... € 50,00 (vat 22% included)

Infos und Kontakte des Veranstalters

Laboratorio artistico Studio La Stua


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