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Museo regionale dell'Uomo in Cansiglio


Il Museo
Museo regionale dell'Uomo in Cansiglio, via Cansiglio Pian Osteria - 32010 Alpago (BL) IT +39 3333513668

Located inside what were the primary schools of the Cansiglio Forest, active until the 60s, it was inaugurated on August 18, 1984 and is located in Pian Osteria. Currently the Museum is spread over two floors and offers a complete overview of the human presence in Cansiglio from Prehistory to the present day, highlighting how the current geographical and cultural structure is the result of a continuous and lasting interaction between ecological and anthropogenic factors.

The exhibition space is divided into several sections, which can be visited ideally following a chronological path that winds between the ground floor and the rooms on the first floor: In particular, you can visit part of the historical collection of documents relating to both the Venetian domination and the presence of the ethnic and linguistic minority of the Cimbri, with panels and cards on forest activities, carbonization and breeding.

The activities and places of presence of the prehistoric communities of nomadic hunters are also illustrated. A section is dedicated to the paleobotany and the finds of Palughetto that preserves the remains of the oldest conifers in Europe.

Free up to 14 years, disabled (L. 104/92) and companion;

€ 1 for children from 14 to 18 years and groups of children over 10 people;

€ 2 group adults with at least 10 people

€ 3 adults

Free entry on the first weekend of August on the occasion of the Festa di S.Osvaldo



From june to september

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 14:00 to 18:00

Saturday, Sunday, August from 10:00 to 12:30 and from 14:00 to 18:00

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