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Sorgente Solforosa di Saviner di Laste

Arabba Marmolada

Arabba Marmolada
Sorgente Solforosa
Sorgente Solforosa di Saviner di Laste, loc. Saviner di Laste - 32023 Rocca Pietore (BL) IT (0039)0437 722277

In Saviner di Laste it is possible to find the natural fountain of sulphurous water, a few step away from the centre of the village. It is easy to recognize the sulphurous source thenks to its sulphur smell and the white colour of the water.

The popular tradition recommends to drink this kind of water for its healthy properties.

Going on along the track it is possible to reach the ex Digonera Dam which was started to build in the '60s, but was never finished. After the Vajont tragedy, in fact, this works were stopped due to the fact that this dam had symilar problems as the Vayont one.

Another possibility, always starting from the fountain of sulphurous water, it is possible to visit the boundary stone which represent the old Italian borders with Austria.

WARNING: It is highly recommended to verify the access conditions of the spring after Vaia storm in 2018. For more info contact Sottoguda Tourist office +39 0437 722277

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