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Arabba Marmolada

Arabba Marmolada

The Queen of the Dolomites is one of the destinations that those who love hiking, climbing and the mountains should see. At 3,343 m above sea level, it is the highest mountain in the Dolomites: the heart of the UNESCO Dolomites and the centre of one of the most attractive tourist areas in the entire Alpine region called Val Pettorina.

On the northern slope, ending at the bottom at Lake Fedaia, there is the largest glacier in the Dolomites. The south slope, on the other hand, is famous for having one of the most challenging and popular routes for climbers from all over the world.

Caracoi ©Alessandro Laurito (2)
Caracoi ©Alessandro Laurito
Caracoi©Alessandro Laurito
Chiesa Di Sottoguda Consorzio Turistico Marmolada
Laste©Alessandro Laurito
Malga Laste ©Alessio Mattei
Malga Laste©Alessandro Laurito
Malga Ombretta2
Panoramica Laste   © Consorzio Turistico Marmolada
Panoramica Monoliti
Rocca Pietore © Alessandro Laurito
Serauta©Alessandro Laurito
Vista Dalla Marmolada ©Alessandro Laurito
The panoramic balcony of Punta Rocca, with a 360-degree view of the most famous Dolomite peaks, is accessible to all by cable car. It will only take you 12 minutes to get from Malga Ciapela to 3,265 metres above sea level, right in front of Punta Penia, which at 3,343 metres above sea level is the highest peak in the Dolomites. From here, higher than the clouds, the view is breath-taking.

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Curiosities and tips

  • Make plans to see the sunrise over Marmolada, a unique experience!
  • Feel the excitement of a 12-kilometre-long thrilling ride with 1,810 metres of elevation gain on “the Bellunese,” the longest trail in the Dolomites.
  • At Punta Rocca there is the Grotto of Our Lady, which houses the statue consecrated by Pope John Paul II in 1979 on his visit to Marmolada
  • At 3,000 metres above sea level, at Punta Serauta, there is the Marmolada Great War Museum, the highest one in Europe in terms of altitude. We recommend seeing the section devoted to the City of Ice, 12 km of tunnels excavated into the glacier by Austrian-Hungarian soldiers.
  • The Serrai di Sottoguda gorge, just below Malga Ciapela, is a unique nature reserve: a canyon of about 2 km with rock walls more than a hundred metres high to be explored both in winter and summer. They are now temporarily closed due to damage by Storm Adrian, but the work on it is almost completed.

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