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1000 Giorni di magia Educare e crescere insieme

Cadore Tre Cime Comelico March 24, 2025 18:00

Locality: San Vito di Cadore, San Vito di Cadore

Cadore Tre Cime Comelico
educare e crescere insieme

Parenting support meetings are moments dedicated to parents, in which specialised professionals offer tools, knowledge and space for discussion to face the challenges of parenthood. These meetings can be organised by schools, public bodies, associations, family advice centres or private professionals, such as psychologists, educationalists and counsellors.

Objectives of the meetings

1.Emotional support: To help parents manage stress, anxiety and feelings of inadequacy.
2.Educational skills: Providing strategies for dealing with conflicts, rules and communication with children.
3.Sharing: Creating a space where parents can confront each other and share experiences.
4.Understanding children's development: Deepening the developmental stages and specific needs of children and adolescents.
Common topics covered
-Effective communication in the family.
-Emotional management in children and adolescents.
-Rules, limits and positive discipline.
-Support for children's growth and autonomy.
-Specific challenges (e.g. separation, technology, bullying, etc.).
-Balance between family and professional life.

Info and contacts of the organizer

1000 Giorni di magia Educare e crescere insieme

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