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Spettacolo teatrale "Il corpo, che ossessione!"

Cadore Tre Cime Comelico

Locality: Villa Poli, Piazza Roma, San Pietro di Cadore

Cadore Tre Cime Comelico
Palazzo Poli De Pol

Amateur theater company "La Fontana Conta" Poli De Pol Palace - San Pietro di Cadore Several times initiatives and projects aimed at the social and cultural regeneration of small municipalities threatened by depopulation have been brought to the public's attention. The importance of amateur theater as a practice of social and cultural aggregation, capable of inclusively involving different generations by connecting young and old in a creative experience, is well known. In small communities, theater becomes strategic because it creates communication between people, promotes psychological well-being and improves the ability to socialize. These goals are successfully pursued by the amateur company La Fontana Conta, which has been operating for years under the leadership of the indefatigable Claudia De Mario De Silvestro. The Company, composed of volunteer actors, is a collection of people who generously put themselves on the line and who, through acting become for the duration of the show what they want, but at the same time know how to convey values with the power of irony. Therefore, La Fontana Conta, together with the other realities in the area, is to be considered a cultural heritage of Cadore to be valued for its social function, so as to enter the programming of the Titian Summer 2024 with the show "The body, what an obsession!" that will be staged in the beautiful setting of Palazzo Poli in S. Pietro di Cadore.

Info and contacts of the organizer

Fondazione Centro Studi Tiziano e Cadore


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