The castle of Andraz dates back to XIC century and it is situated on a rocky spur.
It was a strategic place for the control of the communication channels, in particular of the itinerary that going up from Agordo cross the dolomitic area to reach in Pusteria. The earliest historical introduction are after 1000. It remained until XV century property of the vassals at the dependencies of "bishops counts". In 1416 the bishop of Bressanone take possession of the castle that until 1802 he used as seat of small military garrisons placed under the command of Nicolò Cusano that he was the most illustrious guest of the castle, to guarantee the bishop's economics interests in towards of the republic of Venice, interested to take advantages of woods and mines. The castle underwent restoration's interventions from 1484 to 1485. Afterwards the castle went to ruin until the World War I that he was bombed from the austrian military placement.
The sacredness of the location, the beauty of the landscape and the special natural environment's conservation do one of the greater symbol of the eastern alpin area that it has led to the recognition of the Dolomites as human's heritage by UNESCO.