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Bike: S.Stefano - Padola - S.Stefano

Cadore Tre Cime Comelico

Cadore Tre Cime Comelico
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Bike: S.Stefano - Padola - S.Stefano

Difficulty level: difficult
Duration: 2 hours
Distance: 23 km
Comelico Superiore area
Highest point: 1218 m
Lowest point: 909 m

We start from Santo Stefano di Cadore near La Siega following the 'Ronco' cycle path, we reach Campitello and without crossing the village, keeping to a dirt road on the left, we take the new tractor road that takes us to Padola: the first stretch is very steep, and then becomes a semi-flat. Once in the center of Padola we turn right and face a short but challenging stretch of the Troi di mistieri (path of the Crafts) which takes us to the 'Mulin Berto' on the bed of the Padola river, after crossing the bridge the road goes up until reaching Dosoledo, we continue to the right following Via Risorgimento and Via di Piano we reach the SS52 state road (pay maximum attention to the exit). Proceeding to the right we arrive at Sacco and take the first road on the right to reach the Troi dli tradizion (path of traditions) which takes us to Candide, towards the end of the path we descend to the right diagonally along a very steep uneven dirt road which takes us back to Sopalù, from there we continue towards the town of Gera, joining the cycle path that takes us back to Santo Stefano.

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