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Botteghe artigiane di Sottoguda

Arabba Marmolada

Arabba Marmolada
Botteghe artigiane di Sottoguda, Loc. Sottoguda - 32023 Rocca Pietore (BL) IT (0039) 0437 722277

At the entrance of Sottoguda, one of the most beautiful little village in Italy, it is easy to find some pieces of art handmade by the local handicraftsmen. This kind of manual art, handed down from father to son, is coming from the past, where wood and iron were fundamental to build and repair all the agricultural tools. In the past the main activity in the Dolomites was the work in the fields and the peasants must have their tools always repared, now the main job of the people living in the mountains is the touristic activity. Also the handmade work has changed, and now the artisans realize real pieces of art such as butterflies or other animals, and a wide choice of jewels. Don't miss the chance to see the artisans at work in their laboratories, expecially during the summer season!

Gioielli Deem
La Fosina

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