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Centro Ittiogenico


Centro Ittiogenico
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Centro Ittiogenico, Lago di Santa Croce, Baia delle Sirene - 32016 Alpago (BL) IT (0039) 0437 4244

Near the spectacular Baia delle Sirene, along the southern side of Lake Santa Croce, is located the sperimental fisheries centre born with the intention to riqualificate the area and to promote the fisheries production of the lake and of the most characteristics and precious speecies -whitefish, pike and trout - that risks extintion.

Another intention, for the schools in particulary, more educational about the activities of the lake and its natural habitat through the paths cured by members of Bacino di Pesca 7 that manage the structure. During these paths the kids can osserve in the room at ground floor all the phases that bring to the birth of a fish, from the hatching of the eggs until the release of the smaller in the waters of the lake. The modern and coloured architecture is perfectly matched with the environment and is a magic and panoramic position for looking the beauty of the lake and all Alpago; the center is on two floors and it was built in wood and cement with big windows that are above the water.

The centre is visitable externally all year and internally on prenotations, calling the number 347 739 0913.

Time info

Visitabile esternamente tutto l'anno, internamente su prenotazione telefonando allo 0437 4244

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