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Chiesa di San Giacomo Maggiore

Arabba Marmolada

Arabba Marmolada
chiesa di Pieve
Chiesa di San Giacomo Maggiore, Località Pieve, 65 - 32020 Livinallongo del Col di Lana IT (0039)0436 79130

The parochial church of Pieve di Livinallongo is dedicated to saint James Superior, whose celebration is on 25th july. The first documented sighes date back in 1140 and on 19th august a bombardment destroyed almost completely the church and It was rebult after the war. The church of Pieve di Livinallongo has very ancient origins and guards some important remains: on the altar dedicated to the Virgin Mary of rosary, on the left of the nave, there is a reliquary urn with the remains of saint Felix, offered to the ancient dean of Livinallongo directly from Pope Gregory XVI in 1843. Another reliquary contains a minimal relics of the Saint Cross authenticated in Rome in 1838. Very interesting also the statues place in the church, highlighted by excellent architectural elements.

chiesa di Pieve
chiesa di Pieve 2

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