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Chiesa di San Quirico e Giulitta in Castellavazzo

Cadore Tre Cime Comelico

Cadore Tre Cime Comelico
Chiesa Castellavazzo2
Chiesa di San Quirico e Giulitta in Castellavazzo, Castellavazzo - 32013 Longarone (BL) IT +39 0437 770119

The church of Pieve of Lavazzo, so called for many centuries, is the oldest in the valley and is built on a rock spur, where stood the Roman castle, that is remember as "Castrum Laebactiun", by the roman historian, Plinio. It dates back to 1165 and was enlarged in 1524, date carved on the portal under the lunette. The lunette with the "Annunciation by the Angel to Mary" has been rediscovered during the restoration works of the facade. The fresco dates back to the XVI century.

The Altarpiece, restored in Venice in 91 by Paolo Chinellato and Marina Nahabed, following the directives of the Superintendence of Artistic Heritage, is by Egidio Dall'Olio, of the school of G.B. Piazzetta. It remembers the martyrdom of the young martyr Santa Giulitta and her child San Quirico, thrown on the steps by the judge Alessandro, in Antioch, where the persecution against Christians in the time of Diocletian raged.

The Madonna crowned by two angels (XVII century) is placed on the noth wall of the church. The author of the canvas recently restored by the experts Paolo Chinellato and Marina Nahabed is unkown.

The interior of the Archpriest Church is in Romanesque style: around the high altar, in the presbytery, there are very elegant wooden dossals Venetian school (XVIII century), and the two imposing stone colonnades of Castellavazzo give an austere appearance to the church of this country, which had several white and red stone quarries. The cathedral/ church of Belluno, inside is entirely covered with pietradi Castellavazzo.

Chiesa Castellavazzo2
Chiesa Castellavazzo1

Time info

The site open by reservation calling 329-2183381 (Don Alessio).

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