Request information

Civetta Adventur Park

Zoldo - Falcade - Alleghe

Zoldo - Falcade - Alleghe
Adventur Park 1
Civetta Adventur Park, Loc Piani di Pezzè - 32022 Alleghe IT

A forest at high altitude, the crystal-clear air, the flowers and small animals that populate the mountain...

Then imagine seeing all this from another perspective, from the top of the forest, and being able to fly from tree to tree...

All this is possible! In the Piani di Pezzè forest, you can try the exhilarating experience of walking suspended in the air.

The Civetta Adventure Park is entirely built in the trees and offers four courses with different levels of difficulty, which are developed through wooden walkways, logs,

Tibetan bridges and lianas. The park guarantees maximum safety: after dressing up with a harness and helmet, there is an initial training session and traversing the courses is under the constant supervision of instructors from the ground.

The park can be reached from the village of Alleghe by cable car and is open every day during the summer months.

Adventur Park 1
Adventur Park 2
Adventur Park 3
Adventur park 4

Time info

Aperto dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 17.30
Tutti i giorni di apertura impianti

Price Info

information and prices at :


Open during the summer season

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