Request information

Farmacia Coran


farmacia Coran
View on map
Farmacia Coran, Via Vittorio Veneto, 59, Belluno, Italy, 32100 - 32100 Belluno (BL) IT +39 346 622 3087
Coran pharmacy is located in Via Vittorio Veneto 59, at the corner of the traffic lights

The services offered are:

- Blood tests

- Urinalysis

- Perforation of ear lobes

- Testing of food intolerances

- Genetic testing

- Certified local cancer pharmacy

- Delivery of medicines at home

- Covid buffers 19

- Clinical interviews, psychological pathways and cognitive screening

- Personalised food plans

- School of make-up and facial reflexology treatments

- Mental training courses

- Sports massage, decontracting, lymphatic drainage and kinesiotape application

- Various massages

- Ayurvedic treatments

Time info

Dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 08:00 alle 13:00 e dalle 14:15 alle 19:30

Sabato dalle 08:00 alle 12:30 e dalle 15:00 alle 19:00

23 February 2024 - 23 February 2030
- LBL_MON, tuesday, Wednesday, thursday, Friday from 08:00 to 13:00, from 14:15 to 19:30
- saturday from 08:00 to 12:30, from 15:00 to 19:00

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