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I Cimbri del Cansiglio


I Cimbri del Cansiglio, Villaggio Cimbro di Pian Osteria - 32010 Tambre (BL) IT (0039) 0437 472095

The Cansiglio is a pre-Alpine plateau between the provinces of Belluno, Treviso, and Pordenone. With its characteristic basin shape, it is a true paradise for hiking due to its forest, which is the second largest in Italy.

In this territory, there is a Cimbrian ethnic settlement dating back to the early 1800s. Of German origin, this population comes from Roana, one of the seven municipalities of the Vicentine plateau, which settled here due to the incredibly rich beech forests, a plant species suitable for artisanal work. Currently, the villages of Campon and Pian Osteria are inhabited by the Cimbri, while traces of some typical buildings remain in Le Rotte, Vallorch, I Pich, Pian Canaie, Canaie, Pian dei Lovi, and Valbona.

The historic building of Pian Osteria houses the Ethnographic and Cimbrian Culture Museum; it is open every day from June 15 to September 15 and can also be visited by appointment during other times of the year. Among the sections, the first is dedicated to woodworking; the second is dedicated to the artisanal activities of the Cimbri; the third is dedicated to the library and the screening of videos about the Cansiglio and Cimbrian culture, its history, and its legends. Finally, the good table: the restaurants of Cansiglio also offer Cimbrian recipes passed down through generations.


Time info

Il MUC, Museo etnografico e di cultura cimbra, inserito nella rete dei Musei e Siti dell’Alpago e del Cansiglio è aperto da giugno a settembre da mercoledì al venerdì dalle 14 alle 18 (lunedì e martedì chiusura settimanale) sabato, domenica e Ferragosto dalle 10 alle 12:30 e dalle 14 alle 18 .

Price Info

Entrance: free for children up to 14 years old, people with disabilities (L.104/92) and their companion; € 1 for ages 15 to 18 and groups of more than 10 people; € 3 for adults.

For schools and groups, it is possible to organize guided tours of the Museum, as well as of the Cansiglio Forest and the Cimbrian villages by calling 0437 472095 – Cimbri del Cansiglio Cultural Association.

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