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La montagna dimenticata

Zoldo - Falcade - Alleghe

Zoldo - Falcade - Alleghe
la montagna dimenticata
La montagna dimenticata, Via 27 Aprile, 5/a - 32021 Agordo IT (0039) 043762105

Six stages, for a total of 40 kilometres, along roads built for military purposes to reach the ancient mining sites of Valle Imperina and Vallalta.
A crossing of the Park on its northern edges, in search of lost times.
Departure: Forcella Moschesin
Arrival: Vallalta mines
Difficulty: E - Hike
Length: 40 km
Minimum altitude: 479 m Maximum altitude: 1939 m
Recommended period: from March to November
Difference in height, length of route and travel time: variable according to the chosen route (there are many possible deviations from the main route). Location: area between Forcella Moschesin (Municipality of La Valle Agordina) and the former mines of Vallalta near Gosaldo. Access: the starting points of the various stages are accessed from La Valle Agordina, from the Mines of Valle Imperina (SR 203 Agordina), from the Agordo - F.lla Franche road, from Gosaldo and from the Provincial Road of Valle del Mis.

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