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La Veda e Cornigian

Zoldo - Falcade - Alleghe

Zoldo - Falcade - Alleghe
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La Veda e Cornigian

A pleasant walk leads from Fornesighe to La Veda.
At 2km-distance from Fornesighe, towards Passo Cibiana, at the height of a wooden crucifix, turn left onto an old road, a path now covered with grass, leading up where it intersects another access beginning in the area of Pont de la Palanca, at 2,5km from Fornesighe.
Once here, turning left again, you reach the little village of La Veda. The village remained frozen in time for long; no light or running water in the houses: a unique glimpse of how life must have been not so many years ago.
Coming down from La Veda towards Pont de la Palanca it is possible to walk along the dirt road until Arsiera, or cross the creek Cervegana again, in Cornigian (1238 m above sea level), a small town whose name has Roman origins; in fact, it used to indicate the possessions of Cornelius.

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