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Palazzo delle Contesse


Facciata principale Palazzo delle Contesse
Palazzo delle Contesse, P.zza Papa Luciani, 7 - 32026 Mel di Borgo Valbelluna (BL) IT

Located in the historic center of Mel in Borgo Valbelluna, the Palazzo delle Contesse was built in the 17th century by Adriano del Zotto, a wealthy Venetian merchant. The name "delle Contesse" (of the Countesses) derives from Adriano's romantic life, as he first married Countess Elisabetta Papadopoli and, after her death, Countess Elisabetta Tiepolo, both belonging to the Venetian nobility.

In the 18th century, the palace was purchased by the Contarini family, one of the most important families in Venice. The Contarini renovated the palace and decorated it with frescoes and antique furniture. In the 19th century, the palace was acquired by the De Marchi family, who used it as a private residence. Later, it was passed on to the Municipality of Mel.

The palace is an example of Venetian urban residential architecture, with three floors, a stone facade, and an internal courtyard. Inside, it houses a series of frescoes and decorations, including a fresco by the painter Antonio Bettio depicting the "Victory of Aurora over Night", located in the main hall of the palace and depicting the goddess Aurora defeating the goddess Night. Today, the Palazzo delle Contesse is a cultural center that hosts exhibitions, concerts, and other events. It is also home to the Civic Archaeological Museum of Borgo Valbelluna.

Facciata principale Palazzo delle Contesse
Interno con mostra
Camini del Palazzo delle Contesse

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