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Villa De Manzoni ai Patt


Villa Patt - Facciata
Villa De Manzoni ai Patt, Via Villa Patt - 32036 Sedico IT (0039) 043783666

On an estate, purchased at the beginning of the nineteenth century, Giovanni Antonio de Manzoni, descendant of a Lombard family who had been enriched with the management of the Agordine mines, had a villa designed by Giuseppe Jappelli (1783-1852) built in 1835 the most famous architect of the time, known above all for the eclectic Caffè Pedrocchi in Padua. The building expresses a neoclassical language; the stylistic choices are marked by sobriety and the distribution of the interior spaces respects rational choices. On the outside the flattened surface of the facade is articulated by the central motive of the four giant pilasters, while the smooth plaster is only slightly engraved by the ashlar and the windows have a clean cut, without framing. The architecture is similar to that of a city palace, in the historical moment when the villa loses its link with agricultural activities, becoming a place of leisure, far from the urban context. Inside the villa there are two important frescoes: La lotta delle Spartane by Giovanni De Min (1786-1859) and Esopo by Pietro Paoletti (1801-1847). The tower houses frescoes on the walls with Egyptian views and on the ceiling the constellations of the zodiac probably taken from a drawing of the scientist and explorer Girolamo Segato from Belluno. In 1870 Giuseppe Segusini, designer of the rustic neo-Gothic wing, was commissioned to present fresco decorations with hunting trophies and geometric elements. The villa, owned by the Province of Belluno since 1977, has been managed by the Pro Loco di Sedico since 2014. In addition, the building houses the Museum of the 7th Alpine Regiment with materials that tell the history of the regiment.

Villa Patt - Facciata
Villa Patt - Facciata (2)
Villa Patt - Facciata (3)
Villa Patt - Ripresa dall'alto
Villa Patt - Ripresa dall'alto (1)
Villa Patt - Pertinenze
Villa Patt - Pertinenze dall'alto

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