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Walk "Truoi del saroio"

Cadore Tre Cime Comelico

Cadore Tre Cime Comelico
truoi del saroio
Walk "Truoi del saroio"

It is a sunny path that crosses the upper part of the village, on the left-hand side, from which there is a splendid view of the town of Auronzo. You can start the path at various points and walk along only a part of it, or if you want to cross it all, you can start from the locality of Villapiccola: before arriving at the Grotta della Madonna di Lourdes, turning left, you take a path that at first is a little uphill and then becomes flat and leads to the locality of "Tarin". (The path of the Via Crucis, which starts next to the cemetery and leads to Monte Calvario, is also interesting). Continue to the locality of "Collesiei" and then follow the signs to the locality of "Foletto", and continue to Borgata Reane.

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