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Villa Morassutti, La “Vignetta”

Villa Morassutti, La “Vignetta”

Majestic and imposing and surrounded by spacious grounds, Villa Morassutti dominates the city of Belluno from the top of a hill. The villa you see today is a 1924 reconstruction by architect Alberto Alpago Novello of a building dating back to 1840.

On the façade you may be able to recognize the main body, with the grand staircase and the basement housing the greenhouses, and two lateral bodies slightly toward the back.
The real gem of this villa are the grounds, expanded with the 20th-century reconstruction, surrounding the villa. In front of the building, you will find a flat narrow area of lawn and gravel that descends steeply, below the retaining wall, to the road. The garden proper is instead organized in “rooms” and extends to the caretaker’s house. In front of the rustic wings, you will encounter two symmetrical gardens with lime trees and benches and, continuing, a pool of water with the sundial table and the oval garden that used to contain the rose garden and the rear terrace, the starting point of a hornbeam-lined path.


Bookings of independent tours of the outside accepted – Tours of the inside not allowed.

Contact information Phone: +39 328 164 5542


  • The name “Vignetta” probably comes from the vineyards attached to the grounds.

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