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Museo Civico Archeologico


Interno salone principale
Museo Civico Archeologico, piazza Papa Luciani, 1 - 32026 Mel di Borgo Valbelluna IT (0039) 0437544216

The museum houses relics from the nearby necropolis attributed to the Ancient Veneti (9th-5th century BC), contemporaneous artifacts from the Ciopa settlement, and pre-Roman and Roman materials resulting from investigations on Mel Hill.

Two exhibition rooms located on the second floor of the Palazzo delle Contesse display items such as the precious burial sets and ossuary vessels from the necropolis, as well as everyday objects like loom weights, pitchers, and ceramics related to the residential area.

Explanatory panels allow for contextualization and in-depth exploration of the research history and knowledge pertaining to the exhibited materials and the civilizations that crafted them.

On the first floor, two small rooms feature clay and bronze replicas of museum artifacts, reproductions of clothing and a loom, a model of the nearby Zumelle Castle, and a multimedia station where visitors can access a series of specially produced experimental archaeology videos for the museum.

The museum has free access, there is no ticket.

For the cost of guided tours and overtime openings please contact

Interno salone principale
Interno teche museo
Interno Museo

weitere Informationen

The museum offers free admission, except for ongoing exhibitions requiring a ticket for entry.

Rates for guided tours and additional opening hours are currently being determined.

Guided tours are free for schools within the Municipality of Borgo Valbelluna.

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