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Museo Longarone Vajont Attimi di Storia

Cadore Tre Cime Comelico

Cadore Tre Cime Comelico
Museo Longarone Vajont Attimi di storia
Museo Longarone Vajont Attimi di Storia, Piazza Gonzaga, n. 1 - 32013 Longarone (BL) IT (0039) 0437770119

The Longarone Vajont Museum, moments of history, that since 2009 is located at the Cultural Center of Longarone, wants to be a tool for knowledge of local history, marked by the greatest Italian tragedy of the post-war period, but above all it intends to transmit to the visitor a strong emotion and a real awareness that the value of Life and the teaching of the past are essential foundations to build the future. The museum itinerary, ordered following the chronology of the events, has been realized according to specific symbolic meanings; the curtain of twisted lamellas that gives shape to the exhibition spaces and acts as a backdrop, as well as the colors used for the installations and also the architecture of the exhibition spaces. The museum is a careful exhibition of photographs, finds and multimedia reconstructions. A historical excursus of the local history and the Vajont tragedy, from the early twentieth century to today; event that has forever marked not only the Longaronese community, but also the history of Italy.

The museum is equipped with free audio guides available to visitors, in Italian, English and German to learn and deepen. The entrance to the museum can be included in the guided tours to the Places of Memory organized by reservation by the local Association Pro Loco.

Museo Longarone Vajont Attimi di storia
Museo Attimi di storia


The museum is visitable during the opening times of the Pro loco of Longarone:

from tuesday to sunday from 09:30 to 12:30 and from 15:30 to 18:00

info: 0437-770119 /

weitere Informationen

The ticket costs:

  • 6€ full
  • 4€ reduced (kids from 6 to 10 years old and people with disabilities)
  • free for children under 6

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