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Museo Longarone Vajont Attimi di Storia

Cadore Tre Cime Comelico

Cadore Tre Cime Comelico
Museo Attimi di storia
Museo Longarone Vajont Attimi di Storia, Piazza Gonzaga, n. 1 - 32013 Longarone (BL) IT (0039) 0437770119

The Museum Longarone Vajont, moments of history, which has been located at the Cultural Center of Longarone since 2009, aims to be primarily a tool for understanding local history, indelibly marked by the greatest Italian tragedy after the war, but above all it intends to convey to the visitor a strong emotion and a real awareness that the value of Life and the lessons of the past are essential foundations for building the future.  

The museum path, organized following the chronology of events, has been created according to specific symbolic meanings; the curtain of twisted slats that gives shape to the exhibition spaces and serves as a backdrop, as well as the colors used for the setups and even the architecture of the exhibition spaces themselves.  

The Museum chronologically retraces the history of Longarone and Vajont through a careful photographic exhibition, artifacts, multimedia reconstructions, testimonials, and videos. 

The path includes four sections that wind through two rooms symbolizing Longarone and its history, shattered in two on October 9, 1963: Longarone before October 9, 1963 / The construction of the dam / The tragedy / The reconstruction and memory

A historical overview of local history and the Vajont event, from the early twentieth century to the present day; an event that has forever marked not only the Longarone community, but also the history of Italy. The museum is equipped with free audioguide services available to visitors, in Italian, English, and German for learning and deepening knowledge.

Entrance to the museum can be included in guided tours of the Places of Memory organized by reservation by the local Pro Loco Association.

Museo Attimi di storia

Time info

The museum is visitable during the opening times of the Pro loco of Longarone:

from tuesday to sunday from 09:30 to 12:30 and from 15:30 to 18:00

info: 0437-770119 /

Price Info

The ticket costs:

  • 6€ full
  • 4€ reduced (kids from 6 to 10 years old and people with disabilities)
  • free for children under 6

18 October 2023 - 12 March 2026: tuesday, Wednesday, thursday, Friday, saturday, sunday from 09:30 to 12:30, from 15:00 to 18:00

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