The ruins of the ancient fortress (the fortilitium Gardonae) are located in Gardona, north of the town of Castellavazzo. The place is easily reachable along the path that from the cement factory winds above the railway track, tracing the ancient route of the Roman road. Erected in 1171 by Ottone, bishop of Belluno, the Gardonae fortress, with the castle of San Giorgio in Soccher, belonged to the defensive system of the Belluno County in the fourteenth century. Of the garrison are currently visible the ruins of the tower, of unusual triangular plant, which was the main body of a larger complex. Near the remains of the castle, upstream of the access road, there is the stone quarry used for the construction of the fortress.
Torre della Gardona
Cadore Tre Cime Comelico
Torre della Gardona
The site is always accessible along a hiking trail.
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