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Col Davagnin

Col Davagnin

Overlooking the town of Alleghe, the mountain has carved out an incredible and natural panoramic balcony called Col Davagnin.

It can be reached either from the hamlet of Coi toward Piani di Pezzè by a steep climb through the forest or from Fertazza Peak downhill, crossing the high-altitude meadows of “Mont da Tos, and yet this place is still little known.

For those ascending from Alleghe, the detour that allows you to reach the balcony is an almost obligatory place for stopping to regain your energy, perhaps by eating a wholesome snack while enjoying the spectacular view of the valley floor before continuing on to conquer the summit.

Col Davagnin 1
Col Davagnin 2

In addition to the spectacular scenery, there are more sights you should not miss, such as the Roman boundary inscriptions that demarcated the end of the Roman province of Bellunum and the beginning of Zulium Carnicum and the traditional St. John’s bonfire that is lit each year in the hope of a bountiful harvest.

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