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Diga del Vajont

Cadore Tre Cime Comelico

Cadore Tre Cime Comelico
Diga Vajont 3
Diga del Vajont, 33080 Erto e Casso IT (0039) 0437/770119

Located in the Vajont gorge, at 6km from the inhabited center of Longarone towards Erto, the Vajont's dam, is still the symbol of the tragedy. Built between 1957 and 1960, and designed by Eng. Carlo Semenza, was the highest double curvature dam in the world, and today remains one of the highest and the most impressive structures in the world, it has stood the disruptive force of the wave of October 9, 1963.

Diga Vajont 3
Diga Vajont 1
Diga Vajont 2

Time info

The crowning of the dam can be visited only with a guide, as an industrial site of Enel, you can access with guided tours for groups, by booking at the Pro loco of Longarone. While in summer, the Friuli Dolomites Nature Park organizes guided tours without booking. The calendar is available on the website of the Dolomiti Friulane Park.

Price Info

To access the crowning you can book guided tours, for info and prices call n. 0437770119 or write an email to

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