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Mulino di Santa Libera


veduta esterna
Mulino di Santa Libera, Piazza del Molino, 4 - 32035 Santa Giustina(BL) IT +39 3476427727

In the locality of Santa Libera there is the old mill, whose wheels were already working in 1526 and which until 1980, the year of the closure of the activity, passed from hand to hand among the local and Venetian noble families.

The mill of Santa Libera tells a story of many centuries, linked to the territory of Santa Giustina and the waters of the river Veses. Already in 1526 the two flour wheels were in operation, and over the centuries several owners, often local noble families or Venetian. It was closed by the last owners, the Zanandrea family, in 1981. The building of the mill, of two floors, is part of an ancient rural court, with the ground floor plants and equipment for milling and upstairs the barn. Thanks to the municipal administration of Santa Giustina, in 2004 the mill was recovered and returned to the public. Guided tours on request with the possibility of testing grinding, educational workshops, excursions and guided tours along the ancient waterways of the territory of Santa Giustina that lead to the Mill of Santa Libera in Salzan.

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