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Museo Etnografico Dolomiti


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Museo Etnografico Dolomiti, via Seravella, 1 - 32030 Cesiomaggiore IT +39 0437 959162

The Provincial Ethnographic Museum of Seravella is located in one of the most suggesting setting at the foot of the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park, recognized from UNESCO World Heritage, and is considered at regional level as a base structure in the field of etnographic museums, for the many activities of reserarch and catalog in the territory of Belluno, as well as for the enhancement initiatives of the ethnographic heritage of the province.

The Museum is the outcome of a long path that started in 1979 from an idea by Daniela Perco, anthropologist initially welcomed and supported by Italia Nostra. Thanks to a funding of the Veneto Region, the “Comunità Montana Feltrina” bought in 1994, and later restored, Villa Azzoni Avogadro, in Seravella, Cesiomaggiore.

Already at the beginning the collaboration with the “Gruppo Folkloristico di Cesiomaggiore” had been essential, whose objects collection is today fundamental for the setting of the museum.

The permament collection testify customs and popular traditions of the entire alpine area, with sections dedicated to the life in the mountain pastures, seasonal and transoceanic emigration, of the clothing, the rural home, the oral heritage of legends, songs, fairy tales.

In the garden from May the beautiful flowering of ancient roses can be admired.

  • The Dolomiti Ethnographic Museum is now open at the following times:

    • from tuesday to friday: 9,00-13,00
    • saturday and sunday: 15,00-18,30
    • monday closed


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Price Info

The price of the entrance ticket to the museum is as follows:

  • Full: € 5,00
  • Reduced (over 65 and residents in the province of Belluno): € 3,00
  • Students (from 6 to 18 years, students of all levels, university students; summer camps and groups under 18 of at least 10 people): € 1,00
  • Children up to 5 years, disabled and one companion, guests of nursing home, members ICOM, visiting teachers with classes (max 5), tourist guides of the province of Belluno: free
  • Guided tour for groups: € 50,00
  • Guided tour for schools: € 2,00 per child

13 December 2024 - 21 February 2026
- tuesday, Wednesday, thursday, Friday from 09:00 to 13:00
- saturday, sunday from 15:00 to 18:30

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