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Palazzo Poli De Pol

Palazzo Poli De Pol | © Consorzio Turistico Val Comelico Dolomiti

A Venetian palazzo with the Dolomites in the background. In San Pietro di Cadore you must tour Villa/Palazzo Poli De Pol, now the Town Hall. You will immediately recognize it by its elegant and solemn façade reminiscent of the Venetian style.

This little architectural gem was built at the behest of Giacomo Poli between 1665 and 1668 to celebrate his new status as a Venetian nobleman obtained through the great wealth he possessed. Acquired in 1813 by the Pol Family, belonging to the same stock as the Poli family, it was later purchased by the municipality in 1930, from Benedetto Pol who had been left without heirs.
Inside Palazzo Poli De Pol you can admire the large atrium with marble inlays in geometric patterns, the imposing staircase leading to the main floor, the wooden gallery, and the cycle of frescoes painted by Girolamo Pellegrini. 


  • The design of the façade is attributed to the famous Venetian architect Baldassarre Longhena.
  • At first there were frescoes in all the rooms on the main floor and in the central hall. A few fragments remain on the walls and ceiling of the first room on the right and in the three rooms on the left where mythological and historical scenes are depicted.

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