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Comelico Bike Tour

Comelico Bike Tour | © Archivio dmo Dolomiti Bellunesi

Panoramic tour of the Val Comelico starting from La Siega in S. Stefano di Cadore, following the ‘Ronco’ cycle path to Campitello, Gera and then the cycle path to Sega Digon, where we will face a demanding climb for a short stretch; the road continues to climb until Costa di San Nicolò where it continues for a few kilometres on a false level to Costalissoio, from there it continues uphill towards Costalta.

Val Comelico   Dosoledo
Verso Costalta   Comelico | © Consorzio Comelico

A route through the most unknown Dolomites. 

Here we descend towards San Pietro di Cadore, continue on to Presenaio, take the SS52 state road for 300 metres, cross the bridge, turn right and after the football pitch we descend along the Piave river along a dirt road, then reach Campolongo and still keeping to the left of the river we reach Santo Stefano di Cadore.

It is necessary to have the whole day at one's disposal or to divide the route into two days in order to pedal serenely, without haste and enjoy both the effort and the landscapes.

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