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Tour of the Mas

Tour Of The Mas | © Archivio Dmo Dolomiti Bellunesi

Val di Zoldo offers families many corners to spend unforgettable days: there are many different playgrounds with green areas and picnic areas, and many walks suitable for young hikers and their parents. Among these is the Tour of the Mas!

Tabia   De Menech Ferdinando Zoldo | © Archivio Dmo Dolomiti Bellunesi
Veneto Val Di Zoldo Dolomiti LUC Bimbi Bici | © Archivio Dmo Dolomiti Bellunesi
Mas Di Sabe Panorama Tabià Beltramello Barbara Zoldo | © Archivio Dmo Dolomiti Bellunesi

The tabià (barns) are the most characteristic element of Zoldo architecture. The oldest date back to the 14th-15th centuries.

A route that in just over two hours, and with a height difference of around 300 metres, allows you to admire churches, historic buildings and the tabià: the most characteristic element of Zoldo architecture. A house so special that even children are fascinated by it. The panorama here is vast and diverse, and if you are lucky in the stretch between Mas di Sabe and Iral you may encounter deer and roe deer.

In the Mas di Sabe - Iral section, deer and roe deer can be encountered, which routinely graze in the area.

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