The passion of Davide was born from an ancient love: the one that from a very young age has for sheep farming.
Born and raised in Alpago, in the Bellunesi Pre-Alps, he has a deep connection with his territory, nature, mountain pastures, with his flock of sheep and goats that he has been taking care of since 2008.
Davide has always had the dream of combining farming with the creation of a good dairy product, made exclusively with the milk of his animals, without the addition of thickeners, cream or adjuvants. The milk produced on his farm is the result of a feed consisting of fodder produced in the summer, supplemented with high-quality cereals, free of genetic manipulation.
Today the company has about 400 sheep and 50 goats of various breeds, lovingly cared for and brought to the pasture to capture the scents and natural flavors of mountain herbs.
It is always present on Saturday morning at the Campagna Amica market in Belluno.