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Ski Area Arabba Marmolada

Arabba Marmolada

Arabba Marmolada
Ski Area Arabba Marmolada

When you ski down the slopes of the Arabba-Marmolada Ski Area you are surrounded by some of the finest landscapes in the Dolomites, where you can also take a plunge into history with the Great War tour, or enjoy the famous Sellaronda tour and experience the thrill of being on the Marmolada glacier.

Arabba Banner
Arabba Portavescovo Archivio Dolomiti Stars Pic Manrico Dell Agnola 2014(14)
Arabba PortavescovoArchivio Dolomiti Stars Pic Manrico Dell Agnola 2014 (55)
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Skiing Arabba Archivio Arabba Fodom Turismo 0T8A4419
©Francesco Tremolada   SIEF

The landscapes you encounter as you ski on 63 kilometres of runs, which are just a part of the 1246 kilometres of the Dolomiti Super Ski to which this area belongs, are variegated and well suited to different levels of experience. For a real rush of adrenaline, tackle the Fodoma black run with its scary central wall.

Instead, if you wish to enjoy a panoramic descent, you should try the famous “Bellunese” which descends from the Rocca point for a remarkable distance of 12 kilometres as far as Malga Ciapela to reveal a succession of different views.

I010607 Marmolada Bellunese
La Bellunese   ©  Consorzio Turistico Marmolada Rocca Pietore Dolomiti (2)
La Bellunese   ©  Consorzio Turistico Marmolada Rocca Pietore Dolomiti (3)
Sci Alpinismo  ©  Francesco De Cassan (2)

After skiing, enjoy the relaxation and warm welcome offered by the many hospitality structures in the area and make up your lost energy with the tasty dishes of the typical Ladin and Belluno cuisines.

More informationExternal link and arabba.itExternal link

Curiosities and tips

  • The Arabba — Marmolada skiing area is the highest district of the Belluno Dolomites.
  • “La Bellunese" is a time-honoured trail dating back 100 years.
  • On the Marmolada stands the highest museum in Europe dedicated to the Great War: it offers a multimedia and sensorial itinerary for reliving the sensations experienced by soldiers during the War

Arabba and Marmolada Lifts

Arabba and Marmolada Slopes

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