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Gores De Federa

Gores De Federa

Gorges, water rivulets, waterfalls, suspension bridges over Ru Federa, and viewpoints over the Ampezzo Basin. This is what you will encounter along the Gores (gorges) de Federa trail.

The trail starts from Lake Pianozes, crosses the Federa Forest and, after about an hour and a half of walking, arrives at Malga Federa. The view you will have in front of you is outstanding: Becco di Mezzodì on one side, with Pomagagnon, Cristallo, and Faloria on the other.

For the return trip, you can choose to take the same trail as the outward journey or to continue on the loop trail and get back to the starting point in about two hours. 
On the other hand, if you want to lengthen your hike, keep walking till you reach Lake Federa and the Croda da Lago mountain shelter. 

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