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Cansiglio - Giro d’Italia

Cansiglio giro d'italia | © Zanfront

The plateau of Cansiglio with its forest and extensive meadows, is an authentic corner of paradise. However, it takes stamina to reach it on your bike, tackling the curves one after another until you conquer the point of arrival and see the majestic plain extending before your eyes.

Cansiglio giro d'italia | © Zanfront

There was a memorable episode during the Belluno-Vittorio Veneto stage of the Giro d’Italia in1966 which involved Lievori. After being in the lead for almost the entire length of the race, he was overtaken by Scandelli. He felt the fatigue and wanted to throw in the sponge: “That’s enough, I quit!” he told Zavoli, the reporter, who managed to convince him to go on.

Curiosities and tips

  • The Cansiglio will feature in the 18th stage of the 2023 Giro d’Italia
  • In autumn, during the mating season, it is possible to hear the cry of the stag even kilometres away.
  • You can reach Vallorch along a fairy-tale track where it is possible to come across a Cimbri village dating back to the 1700s
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