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Cima Campo - Giro d’Italia

This climb, which leads to Cima Campo in 18.8 kilometres, departs from Arsiè di Feltre. At the summit, the view opens onto the Feltre Peaks, the Valbelluna and the Valsugana.

The gradient does not make it one of the most difficult climbs, but it is the length of the route leading to an altitude of over 1000 metres that will put your stamina and training to the test.

Curiosities and tips

  • It was in the Giro of 1999, which also passed through Cima Campo, that Gilberto "Gibo" Simoni conquered the podium for the first time
  • Cima Campo is the first climb of the Sportful Dolomiti Race, said to be the toughest gran fondo in Europe. Its 28th edition will take place in 2023. Participants can choose between two routes (the traditional Gran Fondo route of 204 km and the Medio route of 120 km) both of which start out from Feltre to wind their way through the Unesco Dolomites.
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