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Andraz, a small hamlet at an altitude of 1,414 metres above sea level, can be reached by a narrow road that passes between characteristic dwellings and among tabià, ancient mountain barns typical of the Dolomites in Belluno. We are in the municipality of Livinallongo del Col di Lana, also known by its Ladin name Fodóm. It is a scattered municipality composed of several hamlets including Arabba, a famous tourist resort, and Pieve, where the municipal building is located. Andraz lies on the slopes of Col di Lana, at the foot of the Falzarego Pass, about 10 kilometres from Arabba.

Castello Di Andraz
Andraz Scorcio Dal Castello

From this small hamlet, where about fifty people live today, you can see Monte Migogn, in the distance Sasso Bianco and, in the opposite direction, Lagazuoi.

At the western edge of the village, you can visit the Holy Trinity Church with its three baroque altars and bell tower with its typical bulbous spire covered in shingles.

On the outside wall of the church, you will be able to observe some plaques and, not far away, a wooden cross in memory of the fallen soldiers of World War I.

Curiosities and tips

  • The term “Andraz” comes from the Ladin language and means cavity, cavern, refuge.
  • Worth visiting 7 km from the village is Andraz Castle, an impressive fortress dating back to medieval times. It was built on a strategic rock for control of the area and today houses a museum dedicated to the cultural and historical heritage of these places.
  • The hamlet was once used by those passing on the Strada de la Vena, who were transporting iron extracted from the Fursil Mines of Colle Santa Lucia.
  • Nearby, in Pieve di Livinallongo, the Fodom Ladin Museum is worth a visit. The Ethnographic Museum provides insight into ancient Ladin culture, the history, traditions and the ability to preserve them over time.
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