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Quero Vas

Castelnuovo   Quero

The municipality of Quero Vas stands on both banks of the River Piave. On the right is the Grappa massif and on the left is Monte Cesen. The history of Quero, whose first settlement dates back to Roman times, is linked to its geographical location, which made it a communications hub and strategic border point.

Castelnuovo   Quero
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The construction of the Castelnuovo fortress, later used as a tavern, then as a hotel and finally as an oratory for the Somaschi fathers, dates back to the first Venetian rule. The 13th-century archpriest’s church, restored and enlarged in the early 16th century, is also worth a visit.

Preserved here are precious art treasures such as several canvases attributed to Palma the Younger and Francesco Salviati, a Virgin Mary by Jacopo Bassano, a Descent to the Underworld by Domenico Tintoretto, and a Transfiguration by Cima da Conegliano. On the other hand, the Germanic Military Cemetery, where 3,465 fallen soldiers of the German and Austrian-Hungarian armies are buried, the Piave Museum in Caorera, and Monte Fontana Secca, scene of a tragic battle on 22 November 1917, are related to the events of World War I.

On Monte Fontana Secca, you’ll be able to notice clearly visible trenches; they are included in the Natura 2000 ecological network of the European Union, and are also a recognised Site of Community Interest (SCI) and Special Protection Area (SPA) in the area of the Monte Grappa Massif.

In the hamlet of Vas, don’t miss the paper mill industrial archaeology complex. Erected in the mid-seventeenth century, the mill was favoured by the clear waters of the Fium stream, which allowed it to produce white paper of excellent quality. Since 1963 it has not produced any paper and is now managed and enhanced with events and initiatives by an association. The Quero Vas area will also offer you various outdoor activities such as hiking to Monte Castelir, the sources of the Fium stream and Monte Valina, and climbing in Valle di Schievenin.

Curiosities and tips:

  • On the first Sunday of October, the Market Exhibition of pumpkin, other fine local produce and local handicrafts, is held in the hamlet of Caorera.
  • Among the various objects preserved at the Piave Museum “Enzo Colognese” you can also find reconstructions of Great War aircraft with a flight simulator.
  • Caorera is home to the historic Le Crode distillery.
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