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Sovramonte stands on a wonderful plateau on the road from Feltre to Fiera di Primiero. Famous for the Prussian apple, it is a traditional fruit enhanced by the Protection Consortium.

05102018 DJI 0009
22102018 DJI 0031
27082018 PANO 27 Ago 18 Rit2
Sovramonte E Aune.Maurizio Bottegal.23.04.2013
Faller Con Rifugio Dal Piaz.Albergo Diffuso Faller.Guido Trento
Faller Estivo Con Vette Feltrine Sullo Sfondo.Albergo Diffuso Faller.Guido Trento

Its territory is characterized by great natural and historical-artistic richness.

In the hamlet of Zorzoi, there once stood Schener Castle, guarding the passage to Trentino, but only some ruins of it remain today.

In the hamlets of Salzen and Aune, you can run into the ancient route of the Roman road Claudia Augusta Altinate, which connected the Adriatic with the Danube; you can travel on foot, mountain bike or horseback.

Curiosities and tips

  • The Prussian apple is included in the products of the Quality Charter of the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park. The Prussian Apple Fair is held in October.
  • The Church of San Giorgio in Sorriva is among the most important and ancient churches in the Feltre area and preserves frescoes from various eras inside
  • "Busa delle Vette," just above the Dal Piaz mountain shelter, is a basin that is home to an enormous variety of floral species, which is why it is also nicknamed "Busa of Wonders"
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