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Tambre is a small mountain village in the Alpago area whose history and culture are closely tied to the Cansiglio Forest and exploitation of its timber.

Rocco Nadia1
Antoniazzi Umberto3

Divided between the provinces of Belluno, Treviso and Pordenone, the Cansiglio plateau, with its 7,000 hectares of beech, silver fir and spruce forests, is a real green lung where you can practice golf, hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking, cross-country skiing, ski mountaineering and snowshoeing. As you walk through these quiet, enchanted places, you may also be lucky enough to see deer and roe deer up close. The Cansiglio Forest is also linked to the history of the Cimbri who, called by the Republic of Venice to work on timber, came here in the 18th century.

In addition to enjoying the splendid natural heritage of these places, it is worth a visit to the charming Alchemist's House Museum and the House of Books, a magical place where the walls consist of hundreds of carved books, the fence is made of pencils, the gate a pair of glasses and the interior is magic to be discovered.

Curiosities and tips

  • To learn about Cimbrian culture, visit the Museum of Mankind in Cansiglio and the ancient Cimbrian villages
  • For a unique and exciting experience, come to Cansiglio from mid-September to mid-October at dusk or dawn to see amorous deer and to hear their bellowing
  • The Cansiglio Forest was reserved by Venice for the production of beech wood to make its ships and especially the long oars of galleys.
  • The Cansiglio Forest is famous for its foliage: thanks to geographical and botanical peculiarities and the phenomenon of thermal inversion, autumn here has unique colours that attract many tourists
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