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Colle Santa Lucia

Colle Santa Lucia

As soon as you arrive in Colle Santa Lucia, you will be captivated by the panoramic view overlooking Val Fiorentina with Pelmo and Civetta in the background, and the characteristic atmosphere of this Ladin village.

Colle Santa Lucia 1
Colle Santa Lucia 2
Colle Santa Lucia 3
Colle Santa Lucia 4
Marco Tasser COLLE SANTA LUCIA Colle Santa Lucia Vista Dalla Localit Á I Coi

Colle Santa Lucia is still very much tied to its Ladin traditions that bring it closer to Tyrolean culture. This identity and culture are now preserved and promoted by the Ladin Cultural Institute, which is located in the 17th-century building called Casa Chizzali Bonfadini or “Cesa de Jan”.

Absolutely not to be missed are the Fursil mines, for centuries a vital part of the area’s economy, where specialized guides make touring possible.

Curiosities and tips

  • Colle Santa Lucia was once known by the German place names Puchberg or Wersil, which later became Fursil
  • The Fursil Mines have become famous for mining manganese-bearing siderite used to make swords
  • Colle Santa Lucia was originally a part of the bishopric of Bressanone and administered by a captain who resided in the Castle of Andraz
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